

全国学习专线 8:00-22:00
上海融育学校是一家专注国际教育的中西融合的国际学校.  校内 24小时半封闭管理严格管理的同时也给学生丰富的课外活动  美加和英国本土教材,过程性评价,让学员轻松获取国外高中文凭  
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  • 姓 名: 曾臻
  • 当前等级:特约主讲
  • 所属学校: 上海融育学校
  • 授课类别:面授
  Miranda Zeng
  University Counselor
  As a well-known university counselor in Shanghai,she has guided nearly 200 Chinese high school students to enter world-class universities.She holds multiple positions in Honor school.She not only serves as the university counselor to build the Honor Selected College Application Service,but also works as a head teacher.Due to her professionalism,she is deeply trusted by the parents.She has been working in the field of international education for nearly 10 years.She is extremely competent,has a deep understanding of students'psychological changes,and does her duty for the students to enter higher education.
  Motto:Life is nothing but two states:suffering or struggle.Nevertheless,it is better to struggle earlier than in the end,so as to be able to stand up to youth and talent.

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