
来源:上海高藤致远创新学校 时间:04-26


Recently we've been told that our school's management is getting stricter. This week let's take a look at how we manage school here in SHTCS- "The 7-11" Administror On Duty Policy.

校办是校长办公室的简称。与大部分学校一样,校办由学校各部门负责人组成,每周定期举行例会,讨论和落实学校日常的各项工作。校办老师同时肩负每周一天作为“校长”的值班工作:每天早上7:30-晚上11:00,从同学们起床到入睡,全天候进行校园巡察,记录和解决校园内发生的各项事件,确保学校各项工作的顺利进行。Principal's Office is composed by the head of each department. Like most schools, the department heads meet every week to discuss major event of the school. They are also arranged for daily duty to make sure everything is going well on campus.


作为校长,如何能够全面了解和掌握学校的各项情况呢?的办法莫过于每天在校园里走一走,转一转。高藤的校办值班老师的工作便是从宿舍区开始,每天早上7:30之前便在宿舍区,关心同学们早起情况。哪些同学晚起?哪些同学请假生病?值班老师都会一一关心到位。白天教学区更是值班老师巡查的重要区域,图书馆、自习教室是否有同学在安静自习?校园操场、食堂的情况怎么样?....总之,校园里的每一个角落,值班老师都会一一巡查到位。As the principal, how do you know if the school is running towards the right direction? One of the best way is to walk around the campus and see for yourself. Here in SHTCS, administrators on duty starts their work from walking around the dorm area. They check if students get up and leave for school on time, and if there's any special occasions. During the day, they are also seen in every place on campus, to make sure all departments are working smoothly.


作为校办值班老师,还需要多走进学生和老师,听一听学生,老师以及家长的反馈。同学们觉得课程难不难?社团活动的收获有哪些?近期的比赛参加了吗?食堂的饭菜怎么样?老师们认为还需要什么支持和帮助吗?家长对于学生们的在校表现了解到位吗.... 当学生和老师们对学校的某些工作不太理解时,值班老师也会听听他们的意见,和他们沟通交流,为他们解释学校工作背后的原因,使他们明白、理解。只有主动的走进学生和老师,才能获得最直接的反馈和建议,才能真正做到透明化沟通。这也是高藤一直倡导和强调的管理方式。As the administators on duty, they also come up to students and teachers, to talk to them, listen to their opinions and collect feedbacks. They would ask about the food in cafeteria, the lessons in class, how's the homework etc. When students and teachers have doubts about certain school policy, they would explain to them so that they understand better. Only by listen to students and teachers and care about how they feel in school, can we get the most direct feedback and suggestions, to reach the real transparent management.


校办老师在值班期间,还会走进课堂,看一看同学们的上课状态,作业情况,老师们的课堂准备充不充分?学校工作老师们执行得如何?晚自习期间,值班老师也会去各教室看一看,观察同学们学习情况,晚上宿舍区巡查同学们是否按时上交电子产品?是否按时熄灯睡觉?....要想学校每一个重大决策100%的落实是相当困难的,只有经常这样看一看,查一查,才能达到更好的监督和管理效果。What's more, administrators on duty would go in classes and check in with the students and teachers. Are teachers well prepared for class? Do they need any support? During night study, they also check if student are focused on study, and if they hand in electronic devices at night... It's always difficult for a school policy to be conducted 100%, but only when managers follow up often enough can we get a better result of the management.


对于值班期间收集到的问题和反馈,我们将在每周例会上提出,各部门负责老师会一同讨论并提出解决方案。不仅如此,校办值班老师还会与我们老师们议一议,谈一谈,深入了解老师们对于学校各项工作的意见和看法。只有这样互通有无,才能使得老师们更加理解学校的工作安排,更加积极主动的对待学校每一项工作。All the feedbacks collected during the week will be discussed on the weekly admin meeting. Department heads and principal would sit together discussing important issues and come up with solutions. In addition, teachers are encouraged to speak to the principal about any of their concerns. This way they will feel more proactive about school's work.



在高藤,我们有着这样一支强大的管理团队,在每位校办老师的精进的管理工作下,越来越多的老师和同学们展示出了更加积极主动的工作和学习态度。相信在这样360度全方位透明的管理下,同学们的在校学习会更加规律有序,校园生活也会更加充实。We have a strong management team here in SHTCS. Thanks to their dedicated work, we can see more students and teachers are being proactive towards their work and life. We believe that SHTCS will do better within such warm and comfort environment.